August 4, 2022 admin

Still using CCTV or AI-CCTV?

Are you still using CCTV (or AI-CCTV) to locate & quantify your infiltration? Accept repairs as leak-free? Certify #CIPP liners as watertight? Time to put away the TV cameras and adopt machine-intelligent technology to automatically locate and quantify all leaks.

Congratulations to Christopher Jones and John Appenzeller of Hillsborough County, Florida, on the County’s new purchase.

The comparison of CCTV (using NASSCO, Inc. Standards) and Electro Scan Inc. were stunning. No wonder cities experience recurring flooding and sewer overflows after selecting repairs and acceptance based on visual inspections, like CCTV.

Contact Electro Scan Today
Mackenzie App, VP Gravity PIpelines,
Brad Weston, UK MD,
Paul J. Pasko III, PE, VP Intl.,

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