July 18, 2022 admin

Prioritize Leaks by Severity

Is your utility struggling to get actionable data (i.e. prioritize leaks by severity and know where to dig) using acoustic sensor, data loggers, helium tracers, electro-magnetic sensors, fiber optic cables, ground penetrating radar, lasers, or satellite ‘points of interest’?

Meet Brad Weston and Chris Chesworth today and tomorrow at #GlobalLeakageSummit in London, England.

After years of relying on legacy leak detection techniques that can’t locate every pipe leak in a single pass or determine the liters per second of each leak found to calibrate to DMA losses, British water utilities are learning how Electro Scan Inc.‘s non-acoustic sensors using low voltage electric current (i.e. not EM) precisely locates all leaks to within 1cm accuracy.

High pitched sounds might be heard locating a single leak, but the higher the pitch the smaller the leak. More than likely missing the larger leaks that are already ponding around the pipe and unheard by listening devices.

Benchmark comparisons show acoustic listening devices can miss 80-100% of leaks in pipes, found by new Electro Scan technology.

Don’t keep digging up the same pipe, when Electro Scan can assess the pipe correctly the first time.

Learn more about DELTA, TRIDENT, and SWORDFISH (Leaks and Buried Lead Pipe Location) and how they can help your utility achieve accurate pipe condition assessments, quantify water losses, and certify joints in new pipes, including plastics, as watertight.

Brad Westonbrad@electroscan.com, UK
Paul J. Pasko III, PEpaul@electroscan.com, International
Mike Appmike@electroscan.com, Global Implementations
