September 20, 2022 admin

2022 UKSTT Detection, Location & Inspection Award

Congratulations to the entire Electro Scan Inc. team, especially Electro Scan (UK) Ltd. for winning the 2022 UKSTT Detection, Location & Inspection award for the 51km (32mi) Southern Water infiltration reduction project, working with our Framework Partner, CAPPAGH BROWNE UTILITIES LIMITED.


CCTV provides great visuals, but when you are looking for a comprehensive assessment of sources of infiltration and whether repairs are watertight, it no longer is a best practice.

A special shout out to Brad WestonChris ChesworthAdam ClarkeChris Fisher, and US-based Mike App, for this amazing award and worldwide recognition it brings.

I know many start-ups that recently brought AI to review CCTV footage will be disappointed, but fundamental drawbacks of camera-based #CCTV can’t be improved enough to provide the actionable data utilities need to address flood risks and certify that repairs were done correctly.